Community Outreach

Roberto Viqueira, the Guánica Coordinator, and Louis Meyer, local farming leader, are busy meeting with communities and large property owners in the historic Guánica lagoon area, including El Fuig, Guánica and Yauco jurisdictions. The communities and property owners have offered support for restoration projects including staff and construction equipment if needed. Design charrettes will be held later in 2011 with the community after the majority of technical information is completed. A charrette typically involves intense and possibly multi-day meetings, involving municipal officials, citizens and stakeholder groups. A successful charrette promotes joint ownership of the design solution and attempts to avoid confrontational situations typical of a diverse group of people.

Roberto has also been performing monitoring of the effluent from the Guánica sewage treatment plant to help determine existing characteristics.

Contact: Roberto Viqueira Ríos,

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