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2010.03.20 The Finest Kielbasa in Sibieria (Guánica That Is!)

Gallito Kielbasa

Import the finest Kielbasa from NYC, import an Irish chef, light the grill in Siberia, Guánica, add some roasted chili peppers, a slice of Irish Soda Bread…WOW…food good enough to bring the cows home.



2010.03.05 Madeleine Does it Again! A Cleaner Guánica!

Las Pardas Cleanup

Madeleine reports that 118 old car tires and  1013 pounds of trash were cleaned from the Las Pardas beach March 5, 2010  The event attracted 20 persons from the Land Administration, 18 from DRNA, 10 from Guánica Public Works, and 15 Volunteers from Camared.  Guánica sent several trucks and equipment […]

What size conch can I legally take from the sea in Puerto Rico?

What size conch can I legally take from the sea in Puerto Rico?

After a lot of research, we found that the conch must measure 9 inches point to point!  It takes about 3 years to reach that size.  Conch reproduce very well, but the population must be managed.  READ MORE HERE.

This […]